Saturday, November 30, 2013

Successive Discounts

%%%% SALE %%%% DISCOUNT %%%% SAVE %%%%
When we buy an item "ON SALE" and the store gives
us a discount, say 25% (25% OFF), there are two ways
to find the FINAL PRICE.
I) Multiply the Original (LIST) Price by .25
and then subtract this number (25% of the List Price)
from the LIST PRICE. (Thus, using two steps.)
II) A one step process of Multiply the ORIGINAL PRICE
by .75 and having this product be the Final Price.
With the above explanation, try this puzzle:

Which of the following two options would
save the most money?
Option #1: You can buy a $90.00
pair of shoes with a single discount of 29%.
Option #2: The same pair of shoes can have
SUCCESSIVE DISCOUNTS of 10% and then 20%.

Try making you decision without performing
any arithmetic calculations.
After you make your choice, then actually
find the Final Prices under each Option.
you can view the solution by copying  the yellow region below.
You were probably surprised to find that
the one 29% discount was the best!

A more Algebraic explanation follows:

Let the LIST PRICE be represented by N.
The first of two discounts,10% off,
can be found by taking the
Multiplying this .9(N) times .8 results in
(.8)(.9)(N) or (.72)(N)
This is equivalent to an 28% Discount.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Math Quotes:

ZERO is more than NOTHING.
GEOMETRY is just PLANE fun.
TRIGONOMETRY is a SINE of the times.
GENERAL MATH is a commanding subject.
Life without Geometry would be pointless.
Is POLY here or is POLYGON?
Is it true that the USDA
must approve all new PRIME NUMBERS?
Start counting and let me know
when you get to INFINITY.
A GRAPH is worth more than a thousand points.
If tiny cells can Multiply
and Divide, then 
why can't I?
Do CORRESPONDING  ANGLES email each other?
Please, don't put Descartes before the horse.
Calculus has its limits!
Natural Numbers are better for your health.
Decimals have a point.
Did Oedipus invent complex numbers?
MATH is not just another four letter word.
The square root of -1 stirs the imagination.

Arrange numbers so that...

Click on the image below for

Find the missing number

Click on the image below for a HINT!


Click on the image below for the solution!

Warm up #5 problems 61 thru 70

#61 What fraction of the whole contribution did Siriana make?

Separating the Turkeys

Click on the image below for the solution

Graph Paper & Number lines for the Smartboard

1) Click on the image
2) A new window will show all the Graphs
3) Copy and Paste onto a Smartboard












Monday, November 25, 2013

questions 131 thru 140











questions 121 thru 130

Frequently an equation needs to be solved:

Frequently an equation needs to be solved:

Recalling question #103 -
an equation needed to be solved


Problems #121 thru #130 are from WARM-UP 9.
We will NOT be using a CALCULATOR!