Warm Up #1 problems 1 thru 10
Warm Up #2 problems 11 thru 20
Warm Up #3 problems 31 thru 40
Warm Up #4 problems 41 thru 50
Warm Up #5 problems 61 thru 70
How Mathematicians Count
Permutations & Tree Diagrams
combinations in lottery
Summer 2014 questions
The FORM of your ANSWERS...
You may need for Math Counts ...
Geometry Questions
Practice questions 151 thru 160
Practice questions 131 thru 140
Practice questions 121 thru 130
Equations using 2 0 1 4
Tough Problems 142,154,157,164,168-170,175,176,180
More Tough Problems 181,190 thru 194, 196 and 200
Successive Discounts
Math Quotes
Arrange numbers Puzzle
Find the missing number
Hit the target!
Separating the Turkeys
Graph Paper & Number lines for the Smartboard
What number belongs in each area so...
28 divided by 7 can't be 13! CAN IT?
142857 A Magic Number?
Number Fun!
Puzzle: Chess players
Puzzle:How many pages?
Christmas Puzzles
Hints on solving equations...
Chaos with a ruler, die and pencil!
Combinations - Pascal's Triangle
Euler Paths - Circuits - Map Coloring
Team Questions (working together)
The Price is Right Games
(the sprint round questions are at the bottom...scroll down...)
Here is a useful site....
18) N is between Zero and 50
The Squares we are looking at are 28 more than N
and 100 more than N
Thus, these squares differ by 72
and they are between 28 and 150
The list of Squares to look at are:
36, 49, 64, 81, 100, 121, 144
The pair that differ by 72 are 49 and 121,
36, 49, 64, 81, 100, 121, 144
The pair that differ by 72 are 49 and 121,
so N is 21.
with the HONOR ROLL circle
overlapping the SPORTS circle.
120 in the over lap
300 in the sports
P(in Honor Roll given in Sports)
300 in the sports
P(in Honor Roll given in Sports)
= 120/300 = 2/5